Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Flash Rebirth #1

Overview: Barry Allen is at a murder scene that reminds him of his mother's murder. His supervisor Dr. Singh tries to ward him off from the case but Barry won't hear of it. Barry sees a vision of Zoom but it isn't real.

We get the same scene with Barry and Wally from Rebirth #1. Barry then visits Batman and they look at the smiley face button that Batman found after Wally's visit.

The issue ends with two detectives at the crime scene saying that Barry Allen sometimes makes mistakes.

Final Thoughts: I didn't like this issue very much. Firs the art was ugly, very ugly. You see this style in books from time to time and I never like it. I think this is supposed to be a stylized look but it just looks sloppy and rushed to me. It feels like someone remembered they needed a Flash comic for this week and had someone throw together a layout.

Speaking of the layout, this issue had a very lazy one. There was just no creativity to the format of this book. It looks like the artist pulled up some template on his computer and then crapped out this issue.

The story itself also felt pretty lazy. It rehashed a lot of Rebirth #1 and if you were going to do that I think it needed more aftermath. Wally and Barry in Rebirth #1 was a powerful moment and this cheapened it a bit. It further adds to that feeling that this book was thrown together at the last minute.

Out of all the books I've read so far, this one makes me the least excited for the regular series. I love the Flash and I devoured the Wally West series when I first started reading the back issues in 2004. But let's be honest here, the Flash hasn't been in good hands since Infinite Crisis happened. We've been subjected to mediocre to crap for about a decade now and this series doesn't seem to be a reversal of that trend.

This one sadly is a D-.

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